How to use a yoni egg? – A complete guide


The yoni eggs are one vital component for women worldwide to improve their sexual life, and they have been using them for many years. This is a conventional practice that was done to enhance the physical and spiritual health of a woman. These crystal yoni eggs are well known to improve vaginal health, improve the pelvic floor muscles and give you a feeling of sacredness to your intercourse. Yoni EggsWholesale Manufacturer provides these eggs with a pre-drilled tiny hole that is used to remove the thread, making it easier for women to remove it from the vagina. This type of technique is helpful for a young lady who has just begun using this product. For more veteran users, they can be tied so that it can be used internally and externally, both used with more weight. Remember that these threads should be changed daily because they might contain germs due to their porous nature and can harm you.

How To Insert Yoni Egg:

It is necessary to know how to insert a yoni egg into your vagina, and there is nothing to rush and worry about. The first thing to do is to empty your bladder and make sure that you are isolated and will not get affected by any distraction, either from your children or your mobile phone. The second step is to take deep breathes and make yourself turn on by thinking something nasty. You might also use some lubrication which will make it easier for you to insert the yoni egg. Thirdly place your knees up while laying down, and the feet should be on the bed and now, slowly insert the egg into your vagina and try to open it up widely. It should be all smooth with no applicator and should give you pleasure.

Kegel Exercise To Be Performed After Inserting The Yoni Egg:

Kegel exercises are the most common type of workout that women do to enhance their vaginal muscles. These exercises improve orgasms, rebuild pelvic strength, and help with incontinence. These yoni eggs add weight to the exercise and bring particular benefits with them. When the yoni egg is inserted, the first thing to do should be to sit up slowly and then stand up again. This contracts the pelvic muscles around the egg, similar to the muscle contraction when you pass your urine. Tighten the yoni egg for ten seconds and then release it for ten seconds. This should be repeated for three times continuously for about fifteen minutes. You may also rock and roll your hips in a slight motion to make you feel good while you clench and release.

Removing And Cleaning Your Yoni Egg:

For perforated eggs, just pull the string like a tampon. Eggs that do not have thread can be removed by crouching and "pushing" the egg or pulling it out with your finger. Don't panic if you find it difficult! The vagina is a closed system, and make sure eggs are not lost in you. Take a deep breath to relax, and then crouch down to remove the yoni eggs if you find it difficult. On the other hand, you should wash your yoni eggs after each use to reduce the risk of infection. Rinse the yoni eggs with mild soap and water and tap them with a clean towel to dry them before use. Some experts also recommend soaking yoni eggs in a few drops of tea tree and lavender oil (known for their antibacterial properties) for 20 minutes. If you have an egg with a hole in it, clean the hole thoroughly. If you have difficulty, toothpicks can help. Many women enjoy the sacredness of using Yoni Eggs more than any other pelvic muscle tool. In addition to the crystal's natural beauty and healing properties, Yoni eggs are very easy to use.
